Soal mid semester kelas ix bahasa inggris ktsp
Soal mid semester kelas ix bahasa inggris ktsp

4ĭisajikan sebuah pesan singkat sehingga siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan pesan singkatĭear Fachri, When your name is called as the best student please step forward-for high five! You are the best. your cans, bottles, plastic and paper? Then we’ll all have a cleaner planet. And there’s no need to put your empty cola cans in the …… for someone to collect every week. Just think of all the money we’ll save if we don’t need to pay people to …15…. up the things that other people drop, especially in our parks. From the traffic and factories that cause …12… in the atmosphere and global ………. It’s your planet Why don’t you care about your world? It is difficult to see what you can do to stop people cutting down hundreds of trees every day in the …10., or how you can stop all the …11….

soal mid semester kelas ix bahasa inggris ktsp

“She is the best student in our class.” “It was the worst storm in many years.” “He lives the farthest/furthest from my home.”ĭi sajikan sebuah teks sehingga siswa dapat menjawab dan melengkapi pertanyaan yang sesuai dengan teks tersebut “August is usually the hottest summer month “Russia is the biggest country in the world.”  Adjectives that end with a vowel and a consonant: double the fina letter before adding ‘the’ + ‘-est’  Adjectives with two syllables that end in ‘-y’: change ‘-y’ to ‘-i’ and add ‘the’ early “We ate at the most expensive restaurant in to


“It’s the most boring movie at the cinema.”  Adjectives with two or more syllables: add ‘the’ + ‘most’ boring “January is often the coldest winter month.”  Adjectives with one syllable: add ‘the’ + ‘-est’ or ‘-st’ cold Good – better th bad – worse than far – farther than further than Hap-py “John is happier than David.” Adjectives with two or more syllables, add: ‘more’ + ‘than’ Adjectives that end in a single vowel and consonant: double the final letter before adding ‘than’Įx-pen-sive “This book is more expensive than that book.” (old)ĭi sajikan teks tentang comparison (comparative-superlative)sehingga siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan teks tersebutĬOMPARATIVE Adjectives with one syllable, add: ‘-er’ or ‘-r’ + ‘than’ Adjectives with two syllables that end in ‘-y’, change ‘-y’ to ‘i’ and add: ‘-er’ + ‘than’Ĭold “In Canada, winter is colder than summer.” I couldn’t find them, but I found a photo of my sister.

soal mid semester kelas ix bahasa inggris ktsp

Yesterday I was looking for my …… (old) football boots. When I look for my things, I always find something else. I think a tidy room is really …… (interesting). (far) my bed, so it’s really ……… (difficult) for me to find my way to the door.

soal mid semester kelas ix bahasa inggris ktsp

Well, there are some things on the floor. I didn’t say a word – I was ……2…… (noisy). ‘your room is so messy (tidy), it must be …1… (easy) for you to find your way to the door!, she said. Danial haq S.S : BahasaInggris : 50 nomor : VIII (delapan) : Pilihan Ganda : 120 menit : KTSP Uraianĭisajikan sebuah teks sehingga dapat menjawab teks dengan “Antonym” yang di sedikana di dalam teksĬomplete the text with the opposite words in brackets Mum had a go at me this morning. KISI-KISI PENULISAN SOAL DAN URAIAN ULANGAN TENGAH SEMESTER GENAP Jenis Sekolah Penulis Mata Pelajaran Jumlah Soal Kelas Bentuk Soal AlokasiWaktu Acuan No 1

Soal mid semester kelas ix bahasa inggris ktsp